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Image by Martin de Arriba

Influenced by my studies, I explore the fluidity and vibrancy of paint, experimenting with different art styles such as abstract expressionism, impressionism, and fauvism in order to convey my ideas in whimsical, heartfelt ways. Recently, I have developed an interest in collaging and the use of unconventional materials in my paintings. I also enjoy making warm and eye-catching floral designs with ink, marker and watercolours. I hope to continue my experimentations with style to further my art practices.

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The Adventures of the Incredible Karma

A mini comic of a superhero who doesn't know he's a superhero...yet.

Conceptualized by Mariel Gonzalez, Christopher Hogan, and Griffin Brown for Dr. Sonja Nikkila's seminar ENGC79: Above and Beyond: Superheroes in Fiction and Film 

Medium: Ink and marker

Dimensions: 8 x 11" paper

Date of Completion: April 2020

More coming soon...

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